Prix Moulines goes to Rudolf Bryner
The prestigious Prix Moulines for an outstanding entomological publication goes to "Adelidae (Lepidoptera) - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie und Bestimmungshilfe für die europäischen Arten.»
The winner this year is Rudolf Bryner, whose publication "Adelidae (Lepidoptera) - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie und Bestimmungshilfe für die europäischen Arten.» (2020, Contributions to Natural History, 38: 1-475) was selected from a field of strong competitors.

The jury was impressed by the extraordinary breadth and the high scientific value of Rudolf Bryner's publication. They also note that this monographic work will remain extremely valuable for the study of the Adelidae for a long time, especially due to the inclusion of abundant original data. Bryner offers exciting insights into many aspects of the biology of these animals and their interactions with other organisms. Finally, in addition to its great importance for specialists, this publication is also extremely attractive for more generally interested entomologists.
The Swiss Entomological Society (SES) awarded the Prix Moulines at its annual meeting, 2021 (virtual conference via Zoom). The prize is awarded every two years to an outstanding work on Swiss insects.