TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

The SES fosters cooperation among both professional and amateur entomologists and promotes the scientific study of indigenous insects.

Image: LaMantarraya,


> 25.02.24: The programme of 2024 in Neuchâtel (8th & 9th March) is now available.

> 21.09.23: all volumes of three additional entomological journals are now available via www.e-periodica: Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel & its predecessor journals

> 09.03.23: Congratulations to Christian Roesti, winner of the Prix Moulines 2023!

> 26.02.23: volumes of a further two entomological journals are now available via www.e-periodica: Insecta Helvetica Catalogus and Insecta Helvetica Fauna

Insects — Boundless diversity

Insects are by far the most diverse group of living organisms. There are over 30’000 species in Switzerland, or approximately ten times more insects than plants! In addition to their spectacular diversity, insects have a significant impact on our environment and daily lives.

On this website, we regularly publish insect news from all fields of research. Let yourself be inspired!

Alpine Entomology (7)2023
Image: SEG / Pensoft

Alpine Entomology

The Journal of the Swiss Entomological Society (SES)!

Alpine Entomology publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications on insects and other arthropods from mountainous regions all over the world.


Swiss Entomological Society (SEG)
c/o Dr. Dominique Mazzi
Agroscope Cadenazzo
A Ramél 18
6593 Cadenazzo

Foto Dominique Mazzi SEG

Insects account for the majority of animal species. Beyond this diversity, insects impress due to various remarkable facets of their biology, as well as far-reaching interactions with other organisms. Insects provide key ecosystem services, and are of central importance for humans.

Insect species are currently endangered worldwide. It has hence become more important than ever to understand more about the diversity, evolution, distribution and ecology of these fascinating animals.

Since the founding of the society in 1858, the SES has encouraged the study of insects through the publication of the “Fauna Helvetica” book series and the journal “Alpine Entomology”, the organization of annual meetings and the support of various research groups. All of these activities have the same objective: to create an active network of entomologists and other entomologically interested people.

Become a member of the Swiss Entomological Society today!

Dominique Mazzi

President of the Swiss Entomological Society